281 BC: Philetairos founds the Kingdom of Pergamon
263-241 BC: Pergamon is governed by Eumenes I.
241-197 BC: Reign of Attalus I.
210 BC: The Aetolian League sells Aegina to Pergamon and the island becomes a naval base of the Attalid Kingdom.
201 BC: Philip V attacks Pergamon.
197-159 BC: Eumenes II becomes King of Pergamon. Heyday of the Kingdom.
166 BC: The Attalids defeat the Galatians in Phrygia.
158-138 BC: Reign of Attalus II.
138-133 BC: Attalus III becomes the last King of Pergamon.
133 BC: Attalus III bequeathes the Kingdom of Pergamon to Rome.
133-129 BC: Aristonicus' Revolt
129 BC: Pergamon is incorporated in the province of Asia and becomes the base of a διοίκηση.
71 BC: Tax exemption and removal of the Roman army from Pergamon.
29 BC: Pergamon becomes the base of the Koinon of Asia and centre of the imperial cult.
94 AD: Aulus Julius Quadratus from Pergamon becomes senator and benefits his birthplace.
214 AD: Emperor Caracalla (211-217 AD) visits the city and grants lots of privileges.