Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Asia Minor FOUNDATION OF THE HELLENIC WORLD
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Cadena - to be assigned Κάδηνα (6/2/2008 v.1)


Caesarea (Antiquity)

Caesarea (Antiquity) (8/2/2006 v.1) Καισάρεια (Αρχαιότητα) (14/10/2005 v.1)

Ancient town of Cappadocia cited for the first time in the Hellenistic period. It had been the capital of the Hellenistic kingdom and later of the Roman Province of Cappadocia and the seat of an important imperial mint. During the Late Antiquity it was re-established at the site of the Byzantine Caesarea.



Caesarea (Byzantium)

Caesarea (Byzantium) - to be assigned Καισάρεια (Βυζάντιο) - to be assigned



Calchas (8/2/2006 v.1) Κάλχας (14/10/2005 v.1)

Son of the seer Thestor, Calchas was related through his father to a family of reputed seers and embodied the ‘stratomantis’ par excellence during the Trojan War. A survey through his activities before the Trojan war, during the siege and the sack of Troy and his founding of cities during his travels around Asia Minor after the fall of Troy, allows us to explore changes of his persona in the epics and other archaic poetry.



Calendar of the Province of Asia

Calendar of the Province of Asia (6/2/2006 v.1) Ημερολόγιο Επαρχίας Ασίας (14/10/2005 v.1)

In 9 BC the Koinon of Asia resolved to modify the local calendar. The lunar calendar of the Macedonian type, until then in effect, would be transformed into a solar calendar of the Roman type. The year in Asia Minor would start on September 23 so that it could coincide with Augustus’ birthday.




Caligula (8/2/2006 v.1) Καλιγούλας (14/10/2005 v.1)

Roman emperor who ruled from 37 to 41 AD. His reign has been negatively assessed. He is connected to Asia Minor mainly through the imperial cult practiced by the Greek cities to honour him. Moreover, his policy towards the minor kingdoms of the eastern Roman frontier is highly controversial.




Callinus (8/2/2006 v.1) Καλλίνος (14/10/2005 v.1)

Probably the earliest elegiac poet. He was born and lived in Ephesus in the 7th c. BC. Few works have survived in heroic tone and Homeric style.



Callipolis of Caria

Callipolis of Caria (6/2/2008 v.1) Καλλίπολις Καρίας (6/2/2008 v.1)

City of Caria. It was founded by the Hecatomnid dynasty. In 333 BC it served as the stronghold of Orontobates, satrap of Caria, against the generals of Alexander the Great. The most likely location for the as of yet unidentified site of the city is considered Çetibeli.



Campaign of Alexander the Great

Campaign of Alexander the Great (31/1/2006 v.1) Εκστρατεία του Μεγάλου Αλεξάνδρου (14/10/2005 v.1)

The coordinated march of Macedonian and other Greek troops that reached the Indian peninsula (336-324 BC), under the command of Alexander from the Macedonian kingdom, brought a radical change in the political, economic and social conditions of the Eastern Mediterranean, which led to the shaping of the Hellenistic kingdoms. This process was determined to a large extent by the role played by the Greek cities in Asia Minor, as they became the connecting points between the Greek and the Persian...



Les croisés en Asie Mineure

Les croisés en Asie Mineure (5/6/2008 v.1) Crusaders in Asia Minor (5/6/2008 v.1) Σταυροφόροι στη Μικρά Ασία (5/6/2008 v.1)

Les Byzantins connaissaient bien les Latins lorsqu’ils furent confrontés aux troupes de la première croisade. Alexis profita de la victoire des Latins sur les Seldjoukides de Nicée pour récupérer toute l’Asie Mineure de l’Ouest. L’impact des deux croisades suivantes fut modeste en Asie Mineure, soulignant juste l’agacement des populations face aux pillages des croisés en mal de ravitaillement. La prise de Constantinople en 1204 entraîna la constitution de l’Empire latin. Les croisés purent...
