Early Christian Architecture in Asia Minor |
Early Orientalizing Ceramic in Asia Minor |
Earthquake at eastern Asia Minor, 1784 |
A very powerful earthquake which afflicted the continental part of eastern Asia Minor in 1784. |
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Earthquake at the bay of Smyrna, 1739 |
An earthquake which occurred at the bay of Smyrna in 1739 and caused extended destructions in the city (mainly in the Frank quarter) and in Old Phokaia (Eski Foça). |
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Earthquake at the region of lake Van, 1646 |
A powerful earthquake which occurred in 1646 at the region south-east of lake Van and caused many destructions. |
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Earthquake at the region of Çorum, 1794 |
A destructive earthquake which afflicted the region of Çorum in central Asia Minor in July 1794. |
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Earthquake at the Sea of Marmara, 1509 |
A very strong earthquake centred at the Sea of Marmara, which caused destructions in north-western Asia Minor and Thrace. |
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Earthquake in Nicomedia, 554 |
Earthquake in Nicomedia, 557 |
Ephesos (Byzanz), Johanneskirche, Malereien |
Die malerische Innenausstattung der dreischiffigen justinianischen Kreuzkuppelkirche ist bis auf wenige Reste verloren. Im Kircheninneren selbst haben sich heute Spuren von gelber, roter, grüner und blauer Freskomalerei als auch von vegetabilen Formen, Blattranken und Kreuzmotive nur in den Seitenschiffen erhalten. Auch im vorjustinianischen Baptisterium fanden sich Reste von Freskomalerei. Die umfangreichsten Funde von Malerei befinden sich im Skeuophylakion, einen Baukomplex der... |
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